Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Why have I been so quiet?

Discouraged, out of money for crazy costuming projects and working solo....I have foregone this for a while.  I am sorry to those that were interested for the lack of progress, though I am starting to get the itch a bit again.

If anyone has any suggestions on how a full time worker with little expendable income can make this happen...please share!

In the meantime, I hope to finish the Shepard costume some time this year.  The helmet keeps staring at me from my desk!


  1. I think you're doing an xcellent job. Just one question, Could you email me the Templates for the N7 armour please? ^^ Oh, and tell me what material you used? It would be much appreciated, and keep up the excellent work.

  2. I'm in a similar position, financially and working many hours a week. My plan is to purchase my materials a little at a time until I have mostly everything I need. I plan to make mine out of EVA foam, so that means around 20 squares. Once I have them I'll just do it. My first build was an original design and every day I worked out it made me want to work on it more and make more.

    The best thing to do is not think about it too much and just pick up your knife, dremel, glue gun or what have you and just start working on it.

    Good luck and I hope you are getting it finished! My N7 armor, helmet and M8 Avenger will be done and debuted at Ultima Con in New Orleans in March 2012. Check it out!
